[Here's an abstract for queries I'm submitting to some publishers. Hoping it will lead to an interest in at least a manuscript, then--who knows?--publication. Would like your comments, critical or otherwise.]
In writing his entry for the term "life" for Encyclopedia Britannica, the late popular scientist Carl Sagan confirmed that life—in the biological sense—remains ambiguous as a definable term. It seems to be something that is unmistakable when one sees it, but no one can sufficiently explain the essence of it; biological science continues to debate how to define formally its most rudimentary concept. Nevertheless, Sagan himself gives preference to defining life as "a system capable of evolution by natural selection."
The thesis of my prospective article would be to contrast this typical Darwinian and neo-Darwinian definition of life with how the Christian should define it, with great intellectual and spiritual satisfaction, if he or she remains true to a biblical worldview. The definition from within the Darwinian scientific establishment is ultimately anchored to nothing—literally. If biological life is essentially grounded in chance mutations and natural selection, then nothing is "there" upon which to understand life’s origins or to base its value. However the Christian perspective can shed much light on the genesis and meaning of the cosmos and life itself.
Christianity informs the world of life’s infinite value, and our understanding of this value is deeply enriched from a theological and metaphysical interpretation of microbiology. Instead of purposeless chance processes, an honest examination of the DNA molecule and genetic processes will enlighten one that there is great purpose behind life, rooted in the mind of an intentional, intelligent Designer. Although the basic particles of life are well beyond our full comprehension and riddled with mystery, worthy interpretation discloses "information" as the essence of life’s basic constructs. And "information" (as seen especially in the intricate code sequences within the double helix) can only be understood within the context of a deliberating Mind who is directing the stuff of life toward an intentional target.
Our article, supported by relevant research, up-to-date examples, and adequate documentation, should convince the reader that the language of life, communicated especially within microbiological processes, declares the antithesis of chance, random nothingness. Life is instead rooted in the purpose of God making himself known and declaring his glory. And human life is the pinnacle of his purposes.