Saturday, February 27, 2010

More from Melaka

It's fun to say!  Try it:  "Melaka!"  And it's even more fun to be there.

With your permission, "Bang a gong; get it on!"

These bike-shaws were all over the place in Melaka, and they're pushy about trying to get you to use them.  But I kept turning them down; afraid they would make me drive.

From the museum inside the big pirate ship in previous blog.

The ship's mast.

We made them swab the deck after we caught them playing on it.

Sign says, "Happy Chinese New Year!"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Full Day in Melaka

We spent a full day touring Melaka--a city rich in history.  (Much more to post, so check back later.)

Merchant ship-museaum that we got to walk inside and see displays.

I told him to go ahead and put Maria in jail if she spent over $40.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Day in JB

We spent Saturday in downtown JB.

Looking across the Johor Strait at the huge immigration complex at Singapore.  We went through that to get here last week after we landed.

A Sikh Temple in JB.  Click here to learn more about the Sikh ("seek") religion.

A Hindu Temple under construction.

You shouldn't call them "spastic" children.  That's just retarded!

A Muslim cemetary in JB.

The Sharia Law building where they enforce Islamic code in society.  More on Sharia Law.

The local state Sultan's mosque.

Japanese teenagers.

Japanese (especially the teens) are more westernized than us western people.  Rambunctious and constantly concerned about being cool.

A clear sign that you're in a foreign country is the pay toilet.  Capitalism at its best.

I later had nightmares about these ladies heads.