Friday, February 19, 2010

Hudson and Bethany's little buddies, Faris and Farah.

The local mosque.  Really crowded on Fridays, the biggest day of prayer for Muslims.

Usually, it's only men who are allowed to attend prayer at the mosque.  Here they are going through ablution--water purification necessary before entering the mosque.  They must wash their hands, forearms, face, inside of mouth and nose, feet, all in a certain way and a precise order, to be cleansed properly for worship.

Friday night we ate at a Chinese "restoran."  It's the first time I'd ever seen a Chinese restaurant full of Chinese customers.  Unlike back home, we were the only white people, and there were actually no Mexicans in there!

See the squid.

Be the squid.

Wonder why . . .

you ever ate a squid.

Fitting that we should eat Chinese during Chinese New Year celebration.  They're shooting fireworks nearby.

Still fireworks between these two!

And leaving the restaurant I couldn't avoid this sign.  I reckon you can't get much bigger than the Giant Hypermarket.  I'd have taken a picture of the building, but it was too big for the camera.

1 comment:

piano lady said...

Sweet friends, I can see the fireworks, and you are so funny!