Thursday, February 11, 2010

Next item of business: Let's eat!

Whenever one visits a foreign country, one must take one's pictures of oneself eating at a local dive with one's friends.  This is at an outdoor cafe owned by Mamaks (Indian Muslims).  Had their typical flatbread with curry.  It was good.  Their spiced rice was crazy hot!  But me likey!

After recalling Craig's driving back in the states, I now realize that what's even more freightening is Craig's driving in a foreign land where they drive on the left side of the road and the steering wheel is on the right.  I could tell by the smirk on his face that I'm not the first person to start getting in on the wrong side of the car as if I'm going to drive.  At this time, my driving in this place would, of course, be almost as scarry as Craig's.
Here's their neighborhood.  Not sure if one of these is their townhouse, but I guess it doesn't matter, you get the idea.


Richie said...

Good shot of the neighborhood. I've never seen it from that perspective.

piano lady said...

I love seeing all those smiles! Have a great time - glad the ankles are not too bad.