Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More about Eating

No matter where we eat, I've decided the drink of choice around here is Revive.  Made by 7up, but a bit saltier. Ahhh. Refreshing Lemon-Lime Revive. Pickup some up at your local supermarket today!

We like the local food.  Here's at another Indian-owned restoran (That's the way they spell "restaurant" around here.)  Still getting a good dose of flatbread and curry sauces.

And chicken cut up in such a way that leaves all the bones, either intact or chopped up, still in the serving.  This makes no sense to any of us.  But It is the way of things. As long as you can work around or spit out the bones, it's still very good.

Ask them "What's the deal with this chicken?" and this is the look you get.

So every so often, we have to break down and get our Western fast-food fix.  McD's is one of the rare places that offer filleted chicken.  And McD's is also a taste of heaven, where all God's chillin, red and yellow, black and white, can play together.

And while on the subject of food:  The Davises fed us good ole American French toast around their breakfast table (Well, okay, I guess it's more French than American.)  For some reason, Craig likes to sit and read the news on his computer while eating French toast just plain--with NO syrup OR powdered sugar.  That just ain't right.


piano lady said...

Big surprise - he ain't right! Love the pictures and clips! Have you had your speaking engagement yet?

Todd Belcher said...

speaking this Sunday.