Friday, February 12, 2010

More from a busy first day

Time to divide the spoils (booty from the states).

Broke his heart when we told him they were Dad's.

Completely changing the subject . . . Here's something that we'd never think of in the U. S.; selling fruit that's individually wrapped.  Nobody has yet understood the purpose, but it just seems right to me.

Hard to understand why in so many countries, the motorcyclists, as exposed as they are to getting crushed by surrounding cars, still somehow rule the highways.

Went to the British-owned Tesco.  These huge Tescos make Super Walmart look like a convenience store!

Inside Tesco I had to pick up a case of HiGoat, which is good for us Americans to use to supplement our low intake of goat milk calcium, and a lack of that is baaaaaaad for you!

This is the lady selling the HiGoat.  He's trying to decide how much to talk her down for me on the price.  By the look on her face, she has no idea how much we're going to rip her off.


Craig and Angie said...

Of course I'm an excellent driver. An excellent driver. On any side of the road, in any kind of car. Excellent. Bank on it!

Richie said...

I got the baaaaad joke! Good one!

Todd Belcher said...

Craig also just mumbled something about "532 toothpicks . . . People's Court at 5 . . .and . . .K-mart sucks."

piano lady said...

I want to see some of that humor when you get back, Doctor B! We have an extra week for class, so keep practicing!