Went to Kong Kong, and then cha-ching! We hit paydirt on monkeys! Monkeys literally pouring out of the woods as we threw out bananas. We read somewhere that monkeys really like bananas. However, the local people think we're crazy; they think of monkeys the way we think of rats. They're nothing but pests that get in your food and tear up your stuff.
The critters are cute, but the people make better conversation.
The custom here is to have a stare-down contest with the guy who pumps your gas. A way to pass the time, I suppose.
Muslim cemetary
Todd did not comment on the dinner & a movie...last night we had tandory ck & nan & a movie while we ate at a local Marcan Indian Restoran. It was yummy.
It's not a stare down contest at the pump...it's a desperate attempt to think of something to say that will distract them from asking for a visa to America.
And yes, monkeys (especially Macaks like in the video) are annoying. And if you come upon a monkey by itself, throw something (non-edible) at it and then run the other direction. You've never had a bad day til a rogue monkey ruins it.
I can't believe I've been deceived about wild monkeys for so long. Anthony has helped me see the truth, and I must move on to other things.
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